Rev Elvis Lee Morrison
3 min readApr 6, 2020



Affluenza and the Trump* Virus

Ronald Reagan once famously said, “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the Government, and I’m here to help. “

Since the Republicult Party has fundamentally abandoned old “Saint Reagan”, I feel no compunction in amending the words of their former icon. He is, after all, long dead — as dead as the idea that the Republicult still adheres to any of the ideals Reagan once represented. Here is the new paradigm:

“The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I am the Government, and you’re on your own. “

What we are experiencing today is the direct result of a malevolent and malfeasant dictator, an Affluenza afflicted potentate who has never taken responsibility or been held to account for his actions since the day he was born with a silver swastika in his mouth: Donald Judas Trump, snake oil salesman. And make no mistake, he, along with Sean Hannity, Steve Bannon, Stephen Miller and the rest of these alt-right Nazis, who’s stated goal has been to erode the Federal Government from within like a cancer, and who’s paranoid delusions over a fictitious “deep state” have so crippled our systems of government that they scarcely function, have American blood on their hands. Those who would claim differently would be lying, if not to you, then to themselves in order to justify their frenzied orgy of anti-patriotism around this mongrel-messiah. Ever since that cold, hollow Winter’s day, January 20, 2017, Trump* and his lackeys have been Jedi mind-fucking the sheep who so obediently follow him into the gaping maw of moral oblivion. And almost since the first day the public became aware of the Covid-19 threat, Trump* has lied, manipulated, and callously gambled with the lives of hundreds of thousands, if not millions of Americans, for his own political gain.

On the day the Dow started to go south, Trump’s* only concern with the Corona virus was how it might impact his re-election chances, vis-à-vis the economy. And since anyone who’s truly been paying attention knows that whatever Trump* says is almost without exception the opposite of the truth, the markets panicked. To paraphrase the tagline of a well-known accounting firm, “People who know, KNOW Trump* is full of shit.” The more he tried to portray Covid-19 as no big deal, to claim that it was just “like the flu” and would “magically disappear,” the faster the stock market declined. It seems they no longer trusted the man-boy who cried wolf, who spent the past 3 years spinning, gaslighting, and lying to the American people because it’s the only song he knows.

And as a result, in this instant, thousands lie dead or dying, alone, suffocating while states are left to haggle and outbid one another for basic personal protection equipment and life-saving ventilators in some macabre version of Lord of the Flies meets The Price is Right. In this moment, states like New York are forced to turn to China for help, because Trump* and his damnable family, the feckless, valueless equivalent of the New Romanovs, have turned this, the greatest nation that God has ever bestowed upon the Earth, into a third world — or in Trump* speak, shit hole country.

And, in what may very well be the final chapter of the American experiment, Trump* has proved what may become the American Epitaph; that when you love all for money and naught for lives, in unfathomable proportions, both are lost.

Rev Elvis Lee Morrison

5th April, 2020



Rev Elvis Lee Morrison

I ain’t here to save your soul, I just wanna free your mind.